Carolina jessamine is lovely when grown on an arbor or trellis.
Best trellis for carolina jasmine.
In areas with mild winters jasmine plants.
Allow to sprawl unsupported across slopes and banks as an informal mounding ground cover.
Fertilize the vines annually in spring.
Three things to consider when selecting a trellis.
Yellow jessamine carolina wild woodbine evening trumpet flower poor man s rope and carolina jasmine are among the known pseudonyms attached to this plant.
Space the plants 4 to 8 feet apart to cover a wall or trellis.
Carolina jasmine will grow 12 to 20 feet tall on a wall or trellis and will even climb landscape trees and tall shrubs.
Choose supports that are sturdy enough for the vines you want to plant.
Jasmine plants jasminum spp belong to the olive family and survive in usda plant hardiness zones 7 through 10.
The plants tolerate drought but look their best when watered regularly in the absence of rain.
You can use a general purpose commercial fertilizer but the best fertilizer for carolina jessamine plants is a 2 to 3 inch 7 cm layer of compost leaf mold or aged manure.
On the scientific side.